More Videos

Below are more videos that I filmed and edited for UCTV Sports. These were published on YouTube and some were published on Twitter.

As mentioned in the previous page, I have filmed many different sports, but I have also filmed post-game interviews with players and coaches. For these interviews, I learned how to frame the players in the camera and connect my audio cord to the microphones to ensure good audio quality.

Feel free to browse through my videos.

Filmed and edited by Julliana Bravo
Published on Nov. 6, 2022
Filmed and edited by Julliana Bravo
Oct. 28, 2022
Filmed and edited by Julliana Bravo
Published on Mar 24, 2022
Filmed and edited by Julliana Bravo
Published on Oct 14, 2022
Filmed and edited by Julliana Bravo
Published on Oct 9, 2022
Filmed and edited by Julliana Bravo
Published on Apr 20, 2022
Filmed and partly edited by Julliana Bravo
Published on Feb 5, 2022